The World Health Organization recommends that you have no greater than 10 ppb of arsenic in your drinking water.

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You can not taste arsenic in drinking water. The only way to detect this element is through laboratory analysis.

Volumes have be written about arsenic in water. Rather than waste your time here, as many of our clients have done some research, we recommend that you visit the following sites for an education regarding the health effects of arsenic:


Our job is to reduce the arsenic levels to make your water safe. Call us at 1-800-729-0388.

We handle a fairly wide line of technologies to manage arsenic levels. We have installed systems that essentially replace bottled water to large commercial systems that serve entire high schools. We have countless hours invested in partnering with responsible suppliers and laboratories. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your specific needs. Below are a few representative pictures of the products we use:

Undersink adsorptive cartridges  Dual jumbo cartridgesDual whole house adsorptive system

We customize each job to our client's needs and budget.

Aqua Specialties LLC • 561 First NH Turnpike • Northwood • NH • 03261


(603)-942-5671 • Toll Free (800)-729-0388 • Fax (603)-942-7574 E-mail:
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